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The crafting army

Realized over a game of badminton, we discovered our mutual love of crafting in Xujiahui Park, Shanghai, China. To further cultivate our crafting love and also our community, together we formed a craft group - Stitch-n-Bitch Shanghai (aka SBS).


While SBS has been a closed chapter for a few years now, our curiousity for crafts has never faded. This space is dedicated to what we craft and also to discover other artisans far and wide.


We hope you find something you love.



Sophie & Lana


Creating community, crafting with her hands, and getting inspiration from others - Lana is a serial starter of projects and ideas. Follow her flower journey or kids t-shirts designs to see what her next creation is.

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Illustrator Sophie Reid is the creative mind behind Little Paper Warriors, combining her love of infographics and inspiration from Chinese paper cuttings after living in Shanghai. 
Based on the cities/places/people where she's lived and avoiding using text the illustrations tell the stories. First on greetings cards and now across a range of products. 
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